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Was This Atlantis?
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could it be an Atlantean legacy?


strology, is it also an Atlantean legacy? Each of us has probably already consulted his or her horoscope in the daily newspaper, in television program or on Internet. But who of us, reading his horoscope, dares to imagine that astrology, known since the age of time, would be a residual legacy or custom of an ancestral religion. By looking we find that its use goes back to Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt. It's the same when we speak today of the three Magi, the three Magi were actually astrologers, who had “read” in the stars the forthcoming arrival of a new Jewish king. But if we look a little closer, astrology shows indeed a correlation between the stars, most of the planets, the Sun and ancient gods. It's, for example, that the Sun was not only a star that gives light and heat, but also the supreme god. This was the case in Egypt, was also the case among the Mayas and the Incas followed by the Atlanteans, who also had the sun as a supreme god. The sun occupies actually in astrology the most important position. To determine their astrological sign, we use the position that the Sun occupies at someones birth. Then there are functions, which were attributed to the planets, which include the various deities of the time. The planet Mars, for example, had the function of representing the god of war, hence its name, the god of war of the Romans; Mars. It's as this that we have also assigned specific characteristics to constellations of stars, in which the Sun is at a given time.

Egyptians, they also had their astrology, the proof is in the Louvre. The best known is the Zodiac of the Temple of Denderah, even if the copy of today seems only to be the sixth copy, which dates approximately 150 years before Christ. The particularity of this zodiac is that it does not only take into account the annual cycle, but also that the spring equinox moves at a rate of one degree every seventy-two years. A little multiplication tells us that the total is: 72 X 360 = 25'920 years. Since the sign of the zodiac makes up a twelfth of the sky and therefore a twelfth of the total, which gives us a period of 2160 years for each zodiac sign.

A certain Mr. Slosman had worked out backwards the schedule, starting with the sign of “Aries”, which would be the vernal1 point of zero degrees of the spring equinox. He therefore went back the signs “Aries”, “Taurus”, “Gemini” and “Cancer”, to find this famous icon of a lion in a boat in the middle of “Leo”. The middle of this sign is, according to Mr. Slosman, the year of the flood, which would have taken place, as he pretended, at 9792 years before Christ.

It's true that the Egyptians had many symbols, one of which is the sacred boat. The boat was the sacred symbol of the time passing by, but it was also the navigation of the living and the dead. Why have they represented the sign of a lion in a boat with a young man at the back of it, if it was not to bring the date of a flood.

It's highly likely that the high priests of Atlantis, which were perpetuated in the great Egyptian priests would, knowingly, have seen the disaster coming. Fearing the complete disappearance of their homeland, Atlantis, they have imagined to build large boats to save first, the population and the vast treasures of knowledge then. That's what has enabled the Egyptian people to appear one day in the history of mankind, as a structured, organized population, conserving and then gradually losing the knowledge of Atlantis. Thus astrology could have appeared in this region as an integral part of religion.

There is a legend that claims that many boats have docked on the coast of today's Morocco. But in despite of a large number of disappearances of boats during the crossing, those who had survived the Great Cataclysm, had been slow to find new land. This new heart of their God, they had found by crossing Africa to Egypt, where their God would have given a sign by projecting on the Earth, in the Nile Delta, a huge bright spot in the shape of a triangle. The bright spot was in fact Cirrus, making its annual appearance just at the same time as the flooding of the Nile, which they have seen when they arrived on site. Egyptians gave Cirrus, the main star in the constellation of the Dog, a considerable place. It's not only that Egyptians revere the star Cirrus as a god, but also the triangle formed by the light spot. The pyramids are no other than four triangles joined together, who join at the summit as a center point.

  • The 4: the square base of the pyramid symbolized the matter.
  • The 3: the three sides of each triangle refer to the large ternary of each tradition, Isis, Osiris and Horus, or for us: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The triangle symbolizes the spiritual.
  • The 1: 4 and 3 are reduced in the unity of the spirit.
  • The 7: the addition, 3 and 4 gives us a sacred figure, which we find in all religious texts.
  • The 12: multiplication, 4 multiplied by 3 gives us the magic number that we find everywhere.

More often the triangle symbolizes a mountain, not forgetting the sacred mountain, such as Atlantis had known and Japan still having.

We find among the Indians of Latin America also this link to a form of astrology on one hand and the religion on the other. There also the sun symbolized supreme god and their temples have a pyramidal shape. In addition, we owe to the Mayan the most accurate calendar ever made. This timetable seems to be based on the positions in the sky by the planets visible to the naked eye.

Astrology confirms us the fact of the two religions. The Jewish people of ancient Egypt did not practice astrology, while astrology was an integral part of the religion of the Egyptian ruling class. The Cayce readings show the same kind of image at Atlantis, again there were several classes, including the lowest class, which was treated as “things”, which formed the basis of the monotheistic religion and did have a single deity.

We can therefore conclude that astrology has certainly its roots in Atlantis, but not in the ancestors of the Jews, the “Children of the Law of One.” Even if the dialogues mentioned the same gods as the Greeks had at the time of Plato, it does not mean that Atlantis had assigned the same names to them. We have seen that these names change from one culture to another without changing the function of this god. The Greeks and Romans had much the same gods, except that the names changed. We find these same functions with the Egyptians. Then it would probably be the same thing in Atlantis, in any case among the “Sons of Belial.”

We also find still traces in our everyday life and even without looking at our horoscope in our favorite newspaper. No it is not something mystical, but just days of the week.

Relationship between the day of the week and the planets:















We can therefore conclude that we have always on the day, which was once devoted to the supreme god, the Sun, a holiday. These names go back through the Romans, at the dawn of time; it would not be surprising to find them back in the Atlantean society.

The planets and constellations of stars are in turn associated with deities. The most famous are the Greek and Roman deities The Egyptians themselves were moving more towards the constellations of stars. They worshiped among others, Cirrus and Orion.

  • The Sun:
    The god Helios, who drove the sun chariot across the sky.
  • The Moon:
    In the Roman goddess Diana, or Artemis for the ancient Greeks. Daughter of Zeus, she is the goddess of nature, animals and hunting.
  • Mars:
    The Greek god Ares, god of War.
  • Mercury:
    The Greek god Hermes, the god of thieves, merchants and travelers. He is also the messenger of the gods.
  • Jupiter:
    The Greek god Zeus, king of the gods and father of men.
  • Venus:
    The Greek goddess Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love.
  • Saturn:
    The Greek god Chronos, the god of time and agriculture.

Apart from the association planets - deities, we also find a breakdown of the world into four elements, each with its characteristics. Then the symbolic interpretation of the four elements is based on the decomposition of these four elements in four grades, ie hot, cold, dry and wet.

  • Fire:
    The fire is a peevishness temperament, a muscle apparatus, any voluntary activity. It's a dry and active.
  • Air:
    The air is blood tempered, the respiratory and circulatory, the sexual functions. It's a time dilated and tonic.
  • Water:
    Water is a lymphatic temperament, with the digestive tract, in a vegetative state and sleep. It's a time dilated but passive.
  • Earth:
    Earth corresponds to a nervous temperament, the nervous system and brain functions, to all functions. It's a dry and static.

The four elements are the four qualities:

  • The Warm:
    The hot is a general principle of energy, activity and momentum.
  • The Cold:
    The cold is opposed to the hot, passivity and resistance.
  • The Dry:
    The Dry is a process of analysis, separation, individualization of contraction and retrenchment in the retail or home. It takes place in an atmosphere of rigid and brittle, going to extremes.
  • The Wet:
    The wet is as opposed to dry a synthesis process, Liaison and collectivization, openness on the whole and the collective. It's conducted in an atmosphere of relaxation and flexibility.

There is still a fifth element. An element which is called in the esoteric tradition Akasha, meaning Ether or Spirit. Then it should be noted that some see the Bose-Einstein condensate to be this fifth element.

In addition to these four elements and their characteristics, Mesopotamian astrology, including our astrology derives an indirect way of allocating a quality or characteristic to each of the four seasons.

We know that we can trace astrology passing by Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt up to 5'000 years before Christ. At the time of the ancient, astronomy, astrology and religion were one. Stars, planets, the Sun and Moon were gods, then by these ancients, the sky was a reflection of what was happening on Earth, where man was a microcosm. It's therefore not very surprising that the former have integrated into their daily lives the reading of the sky to predict future events. To begin with forecasting work in the fields, good seed time and when to harvest. So do not be surprised that the former had been intrigued by some wandering stars, as they had looked for a link between these wandering stars and events occurring on Earth. Another strange similarity between religions and astrology as we know today is that the Sun occupies the main square, as it did among the people who worship the sun.

It's not just astrology as the Greeks and Romans had left us, but there are also those of the Celts, Egyptians, Chinese and even the one of the Maya, who remain the masters of this art. Because we must not forget that the Maya knew the time of the year with an accuracy of 0.000005% and the sidereal period of Venus with an accuracy of 0.0034%. And this all without computers, without observing satellites, or any other sophisticated tools.

Early Egyptian Astrology is based on the association of gods and stars and planets. The Egyptians, on the other hand, did not divide the year into four parts, but in three very important periods for them. The Egyptians were apparently less affected by spring and autumn, as by the annual flooding of their land by the Nile. The three periods were therefore specifically based on those facts. We therefore find them with the three concepts “Flood”, “Seeds” and “Harvest.” The year was devoted to twelve gods, and it was then sub divided into twenty-eight periods of unequal length. They attributed different qualities to the twelve gods, and then they used this schedule for various purposes.

Celtic Astrology, from which the site of “Stonehenge” is a witness of the past, divided the year into thirty-six periods of unequal length, each bearing the name of a tree. The four seasons, also had the name of a tree. The Celts had thus an astrology using forty tree names. What is interesting to observe is that we divide so far our astrological year also in thirty-six periods. Because as everyone knows, then even if we do not know, just look to see horoscopes that each zodiac sign is often sub-divided into three parts, each with its own characteristics.

The Chinese themselves don't use the sun as a reference, but the planet Jupiter, who is Zeus in Greek mythology, using twelve periods of a year each where the years are represented by animals.

We can, even if the old astrology is not based, as today's astrology, on any fact or evidence, however note that it was and still is, without doubt, a residue of an earlier religion. Because we must not exclude, that astrology is, as we know it now, a religious residue and esoteric practices of the Atlanteans.

Signs and constellations of the zodiac.



Passage of the Sun in the sign.

Passage of the Sun in the constellation.


21 March - 19 April

19 April - 13 May


20 April - 20 May

14 May - 19 June


21 May - 20 June

20 June - 20 July


21 June - 23 July

21 July - 9 Aug.


24 July - 23 Aug.

10 Aug. - 15 Sept.


24 Aug. - 22 Sept.

16 Sept. - 30 Oct.


23 Sept. - 22 Oct.

31 Oct. - 22 Nov.


23 Oct. - 21 Nov.

23 Nov. - 29 Nov.


Is not a sign of the zodiac.

30 Nov. - 17 Dec.


22 Nov. - 21 Dec.

18 Dec. - 18 Jan.


22 Dec. - 19 Jan.

19 Jan. - 15 Feb.


20 Jan. - 19 Feb.

16 Feb. - 11 March


20 Feb. - 20 March

12 Mars - 18 April

This table shows you the difference between an astrological sign and a constellation of the zodiac. A person born between November 30th and December 17th does therefore not correspond to any sign of the zodiac!

1Intersection of the equator and the spring equinox.

2The position of this sign is also called Serpentaire in place of Ophiucus.

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Other books of the same author :
Éditions Jean Voltaire
Wolter Smit, Courcelles sur Seine, France
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