Was This Atlantis?
Examination of the possible location and the reason of its disappearance.
Version Française.
The North and South Poles, were they once in their present place?
of us perhaps don't imagine that the organization, even the face of
the Earth could have been different. How can we actually imagine
that North and South Poles weren't in the same place as now? But if
the poles were not at the present location, where would they have
been? Are there still traces and other indications of the location
the poles could have occupied at the time? Among these signs and
indications there would be certainly ancient navigation maps. There
is, on the other hand, other indirect evidence, which might tell us
if the North and South Poles have been displaced, and these clues
could also give us an idea of the direction and distance of the move.
It might also be possible to determine at what time the displacement
of poles would have happened.
The mammoths were frozen with their bodies left intact.
It was in Siberia in 1799, that the famous mammoth Adam, which we can admire
today in Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences in Saint
Petersburg, was found in the delta of the Lena River. Later, in
1864, another well-preserved corpse was discovered on the Indigirka
river in Siberia. The frozen corpse of mammoths still had the
remnants of their fur and the contents of their stomachs. Then many
other discoveries were made. In 1900, on the Kolyma river, a mammoth
called Beresowka, and 1977 on the Juribei river in Siberia, all
frozen in the ice for about 10'000 years. Many other bodies of
mammoths have been found until today in the Siberian permafrost and
Alaska. Most of the mammoths seem to have lived for about 40'000
years until 10'000 years before Christ. The content of the stomachs
of these dead bodies, well preserved in ice, showed that the woolly
mammoths were mainly fed by grasses and to a lesser extent, the
branches of willows and larches. In the stomach of the Indigirka
mammoth, branches of pine trees had been found next to the herbs. It
seems that dogs and wolves would have eaten their frozen meat without
any adverse or side effects, but we cannot prove that the rumor,
citing people in Siberia, scientists and explorers who would have
consumed the frozen mammoth, to be truthful. Obviously, the mammoths
were frozen in a quick manner, without that their flesh had time to
deteriorate and even stomach contents hadn't been digested in many
cases. It's like if you had putted these mammoths alive in a
freezing room of today, the death by freezing that followed were a
matter of hours. These rapid freezing were not isolated cases, but
they seem to have been linked to a global event.
Siberia and Alaska had an climate corresponding to a latitude of 1'500 km further south, Europe and North America had a climate corresponding
to a latitude of 1'500 km further north.
There are today, as we saw above, an unexplained difference between the
food found in stomachs of the mammoths and the current Siberian
climate. We can see that the mammoths were frozen alive and that the
food found in their stomachs doesn't correspond at all to the climate
of today. The food of mammoths certainly corresponded to vegetation
of steppe and tundra, with grasses, willows, pines and larches. This
vegetation, however, could not now exist there. To find the region
where this vegetation could currently exist, we should go at least a
thousand kilometers further south. If we look at the map of this
region, we find that the area of 90° to 170° East is
currently beyond the Arctic Circle and with a climate where the
permafrost, frozen to a depth of several hundred meters reigns
supreme. It's as unlikely to have willows there then have palms on
the Moon. The mammoths could therefore not have eaten there what was
found in their stomachs. Today it's a fact that we would seek such a
climate, corresponding to that vegetation, rather between the 55th
and 60th parallel and so at about 1'500 km to the south.
The area of 50° to 90° West, which is compared to Siberia
at the opposite side of the North Pole, is so far perfectly
inhabitable and there we grow even cereals and other foods. While at
the same time, where Siberia was visibly warmer, eastern America and
eastern Canada were covered with a layer of ice of several thousand
meters. The area of 50° to 90° West clearly had a climate
that correspond to that which today is well beyond the polar circle
and thus to a climate of approximately 1'500 km further north.
Carrying out an inspection on a map of the Earth seen from the North
Pole, we can see that these two areas mentioned above, are each on
the opposite side of the North Pole. It's as if, at the time, the
North Pole had to be found somewhere on the continent of Greenland.
The inclination of the axis of rotation of the Earth is not the same as the orbital inclination of the Moon. (difference ± 18°)
We all know that the inclination of the axis of rotation of the Earth is
23.45°, but how many of us know how to what this angle has been
compared? Then the orbit that the Earth travels around the Sun is
slightly elliptical and it's in relation to this orbit that we have
specified this angle. It's for this reason that the sun heats the
north a little more than the south one half of the year, and the
other way around the other half of the year, creating as such the
seasons. We also know that the Moon orbits the Earth and the Moon
also has a orbital plane. The orbital plane of the Moon, however,
has an angle of 5.14° with respect to the orbital plane of the
Earth around the Sun. We can of course ask the interest of this
fact, but it's sufficient to subtract these two values to obtain the
difference of 18.31°. We see later here that we find this angle
also elsewhere. We may also ask why the inclination of the axis of
rotation of the Earth isn't closer to 5.14° instead of 23.45°
now. The effect of the tides caused by the Moon orbiting around the
Earth should have lead to an effect of synchronization, as the one
which resulted in that he always turns the same face to Earth. This
synchronizing effect should have led over millions of years through
the intervening effect of the tides, so that the axis of rotation of
the earth comes very close to the inclination of the orbital plane of
the Moon. We can, in despite the protests of some scientists
consider that this angle of rotation has been changed fairly recently
in geological terms, not allowing enough time for this
synchronization to be done again.
The center of the ice cap of 12'000 years ago reveals a difference of 12° to 20° with the North Pole.
We all know that the ice cap of 12'000 years ago was not
centered on the current North Pole, but had shown a shift towards one side.
We also know that glaciers have existed until the 50th parallel in Europe and
the Americas. This ice was came not below a limit well above the
Arctic Circle on the opposite side. Ie, the side of Siberia and on
the west side of Alaska. What is strange with this ice cap is that
the center appears to lie somewhere on the continent of Greenland.
The center of the ice of 12'000 years ago seems to have been a shift
in the same order of magnitude as the climate shift. Of course,
science today has found an explanation, in fact there are many
theories, but nobody has ever thought of considering a shift of the
poles. We can also ask ourselves how to explain, taking into account
the current geographical situation, the fact that Europe and the
Americas had been colder than at the same time that Siberia was
warmer than now. In addition, we should also take into account that
the Earth's climate of 12'000 years ago was on average three to five
degrees colder, which explains a very little a warmer Siberia.
Abrupt warming of Greenland:
Another indication was found by researchers at the University of Copenhagen.
These researchers have conducted years of sampling of the ice on the
continent of Greenland. They published then in 1995 the results of
their interpretations of the temperature data over a period of the
last 113'000 years. They have, in analyzing these data, found that
the temperature of Greenland has experienced a sudden rise in
temperature of at least twenty degrees around 9'500 years before
Christ, in a relatively short period, one hundred years at most. The
global world temperature, on the other hand, had increased by only a
few degrees during a period of 10'000 years to 8'000 years before
Christ, which is much longer and less abrupt than the rise of about
twenty degrees over one hundred years only of the ice of Greenland.
This dramatic rise in temperature can be traced by using different
methods of calculation, without this changes the final result. There
is also no correlation between the Earth's average temperature at the
time and the rising level of sea level. The rise of sea water seems
to have a correlation with the rise of temperature in Greenland.
Before seeking a solution to this complex phenomenon of the sharp
rise in temperature of Greenland, we may ask ourselves whether this
increase was not the result of a shift of the poles. Because a
sudden movement of Greenland of up to 18° more to the south
explains this increase better than any other theory.
After reviewing these previous clues, we can perhaps answer the question:
“The North and South Poles, were they once in their present
place?” This was
certainly not the case. We have seen that all clues show a
difference of up to eighteen degrees towards the continent of
Greenland. There is no doubt that the North Pole should have been
located somewhere on this continent 12'000 years ago without being
able to determine an exact location at this time. What we do know,
on the other hand, is that there is among the clues a great climate
difference that occurred rapidly on the side of Siberia. We can
estimate that the move of eighteen degrees to the opposite direction
should have taken place there too, ie away from Greenland towards
Taking a map of the Earth, seen from the North Pole, we can see
that opposite side of Siberia are the longitudes 20°to 50°
West on the side of Greenland, which corresponds to a longitude of
130° to 160° East on the side of Siberia. To find the
possible latitude of the North Pole of 12'000 years ago, we must
deduct the difference of these eight-teen degrees of 90° (top
most latitude) from the North Pole today, making up a latitude of
about 72° North compared to the current position. With a little
margin we can admit that the North Pole should have been located in a
square bounded by the latitudes 65° to 80° North and the
longitudes 20° to 50° West.
What is curious to note is that
the center of the ice cap was actually in this square.
Earth seen from the North Pole today.

By inspecting the distance between the center of the Greenland ice cap
and the current North Pole, we can see that the distance between the
North Pole and Siberia, where we have found most of the frozen
mammoths, has been lessened to half. If we remember the sudden
increase in temperature, about twenty degrees of Greenland 12'000
years ago, we can draw the conclusion that Siberia would have
suffered a sudden drop in temperature of at least the same magnitude.
Such a temperature drop can be explained only if Siberia had been
moved 1'500 km further north. The time difference may be explained
by the difference in mass. It takes just a few hours to freeze a
mammoth, but we have to, thawing a layer of ice several kilometers
thick, obviously wait a little longer, a hundred years perhaps?